FREE Holiday Weekly Planner

The holidays are underway, we're only a few days in and already my son is asking "what can I do". So I decided to create a little weekly holiday planner I'm going to stick on the fridge.
I've made a copy for you to download if you'd to do it too!
The holidays end costing so much money when the kids want to go on continuous outings and this year I'm going to play a little hardball with that.
I mapped out the days like this:
Monday Work & Clean Day - Meaning I work and my son can sort out his room and his toys etc, which usually means he'll get distracted with cleaning and play with his toys for ages. He always tends to find something he hasn't played with in ages.
Tuesday Outing Day - On Tuesdays we can go do something fun out and about.
Wednesday Rest & Relax Day - This will be the day we relax and chill, maybe watch a movie, play and have a picnic in the garden etc.
Thursday Play-date Day - On Thursdays we'll do play-dates either here or at a friend.
Friday Craft Day - The day we get craft crazy and be creative.
I haven't added anything for the weekends because we all know how that goes and most of the time I just wing it.
I've added space next to each day of the week so you can write things down with your child, things you'd like to do etc.
I hope you find it as helpful as I am!