The hardest things about being pregnant!

I asked the moms in my Mommalicious community what they thought the hardest thing about being pregnant was.
While being pregnant is a wonderful journey there are also parts that aren't so pleasant.
It seems to be the hardest thing that the mommalicious mammas had to deal with was heat and how uncomfortable it made them.
Take a look at what they had to say, if you want to contribute comment below and tell us what your worst thing about being pregnant was!
This is what they had to say.
Anthea Kaufmann - Nothing!!! I'd be happy to be pregnant forever! Don't want any more kids....but I loved being pregnant! So if there's a way to just stay pregnant and never give birth - let me know! :) :)
Martie Krynauw - When you get SPD and your pelvis shifts so that you can barely walk
Carmen Isaacs - The heat. Uncomfortable sleeping positions People randomly touching your belly. People making insensitive remarks
Diane Sparks - Raising the child for the next 20 years 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Corinne Storm Van Zweeden - Painting your toenails. Not hard....impossible!
Sonja Myburgh - Sleeping, getting up from a chair, heartburn and getting kicked in the ribs and spine. Other than that, it was a breeze.
Sandra Marisa - Pain all over all the time and being unable to eat and sleep
Nashieta Marais - Morning sickness&This unbearable heat !!!😒
Charissa-Lynne Mathee - When it comes to an end!
Melissa Pretorius - Pain, not sleeping and not being as mobile...
Bronwyn Priscilla Thompson - The heat n struggling to slp at night cause its too hot
Natalie Snell - Your back hurts alot and u struggle to stand up its not nyc
Melissa Jane Pietersen heartburn da heartburn...was tooo painful for me
Chantal Lewis Uncomfortable sleep
Sasha Botha Everything!!!!
Tasneem Amlay Abrahams Constant bathroom breaks
Onkgethile Seoka - Crotch lighting pains😢😩😲
Tamarin Micol Myburgh Ford - The pregnant part :-)
Leslene Stott - Heat
Lize Fourie Heat - swollen everything
Sonia Albertus - Heat = sweat
Zolani Thole - leg cramps were killing me
Teagan Schwerin - The heat!
Lucinda Rodrigues-Figueira - Morning sickness 🤢
So there we have it, a round up of what they think is the worst part about being pregnant. What was your worst part?