Secure A Kid - Seat belt protector REVIEW

Here are my thoughts on the Secure a Kid Belt.
I have seen these at both my local pharmacy as well as on the 4-A-Kid website and had considered several time actually getting one, while never actually getting around to buying one.
I was very excited when I got this one although I think my hubby was even more excited than I was.
I have 2 boys - aged 2 years old and 4 years old.
I placed the belt in the front seat of my car, where the boys sometimes ride on short journeys.
The packing was nice and friendly. Clean cut, easy to follow instructions.
I open the packaing and installed it in about 20 seconds. You just undo the clips, pull the belt long enough, and reclip the clips around the belt.
This belt is a standard Black colour.
This belt is intended for ages 3 and up. I can see why, since on my 2 year old it is a little big. On the 4 year old, it fits much better.
I did find the kids kept trying to sit in all sorts of strange positions with the belt. Initially I had to keep saying, put your belt on properly. And my son would answer, that it was not comfortable and he did not like the belt near his neck. But its just an adjustment he has to get used it.
My hubby kept wanting to swop it between cars. Looks like we will be buying 3 x more.
2 per kid each for the back seat.
It is recommended to attach the seat belt when it is not in use as per the photo.