MAM Bottle Review

I was anxious to receive the MAM bottle and try my little one on it, she is rather fussy when it comes to which teats she drinks from. Needless to say she took to the MAM teat and didn’t fuss at all when I gave her the bottle. Compared to some other teats I have tried her on, other than her normal bottle teat, I have found fold and suction closed while she is drinking, this didn’t happen with the MAM teat.
One of the big differences I noticed was that she was alot quieter with her “slurping” noises while drinking and there was almost no messy dribble compared to her normal bottle. Usually she gets about half way with her bottle then starts playing with it because she has wind and wont drink anymore until she is winded, with the MAM bottle, she is able to finish the bottle without painful winds getting caught and stopping her from feeding, thanks to the anti-colic system on the bottle.
From my side, I loved the fact that the whole bottle can come apart, it makes it so much easier to clean and you don’t have to worry about having a bottle brush at hand, especially when you are out and need to wash a bottle.
Another bonus with the MAM bottle is the “self-sterilize” function it has. I now only need to pack 1 bottle when we go out for the day to friends, because I can wash the MAM bottle and pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes and there is a newly sterilized bottle ready for the next feed.
The colours of the bottle are bright and attractive with clear markings on the side and a pretty design. The bright colours make it easy to identify your baby's bottle at school or a playdate without having to write your baby's name on it.
The only negative about the MAM bottle is that I have found it leaks a bit from the base. If I make a bottle of tea to take out with us or pre measure the water, I find it has leaked slightly out the base of the bottle. So from that point of view it isn’t a bottle which you can keep liquid in for extended period of time while travelling.
The MAM bottle is very competitively priced with other anti-colic bottle on the market, and by far one of the better ones in terms of anti-colic as well as anti-messy dribble