Natural Remedies to treat a sore throat

There are lots of wonderful natural remedies you can use to treat your child's sore throat.
Below is a list of remedies you should have in your cupboard or easily find at your local pharmacy or health shop.
Honey and Lemon
Lemon dries up congestion and honey provides a soothing coating for their throat.
Mix a some in a cup and warm it up, it should be warm not hot.
NB - It is not safe to give babies under 1 years old honey
Salt Water
Gargling with warm salt water can help soothe a sore throat and break. It can also help kill bacteria in the throat.
Echinacea is great for the colds and viruses that can cause sore throats. . Echinacea helps activate our natural killer cells to combat viruses, bacteria, and other threats to our natural immunity. You can get Echinacea at any pharmacy and is a MUST for any medicine cabinet.
Though garlic might not be the best tasting, they have lots of antiviral and antibacterial properties. If you can get them to chew on a little clove it will make a big difference (easier said than done I know)
Usually a sore throat is cured in a week or less depending on the severity of the infection. If you are not getting any relief from the home remedies within two day, it is better to see a doctor