How to care for an introvert

Each child is different and we have to treat them differently. My son is a complete introvert and is extremely shy. Sometimes I forget how to deal with his needs, emotions and feelings because I'm an extrovert.
Here are some tips on how to to care for shy, introverted children.
Respect their need for privacy
Never embarrass them in public
Let them observe a new situation first
Give them time to think, don't demand instand answers
Don't interrupt them
Give them a 15 minute warning to finish whatever they are doing
Reprimand them privately
Teach them new skills privately
Don't force them to do anything they don't want to do
Enable them to find one best friend who has similar interests and abilities
Don't push them to make lots of friends, they'll do it in their own time.
Give them advance notice of expected changes in their lives, they don't tend to do well with sudden change
Respect their introversion, don't try to turn them into extroverts.

Author: Lisa Bulpin
About: I'm a single mom to a superhero, online marketing guru, coffee, sunshine, gardening, music loving girl