Condensed Milk Biscuits

These biscuits are delicious on their own, or for something fun to do with your kids you could pop the dough into a biscuit press to make fun shapes and top them with sweets or nuts or whatever you choose! I used Jelly Tots and Smarties, which is how I used to make them as a kid with my mom - just be aware that the Smarties do tend to crack and lose their colour a bit during baking. YUM!!
250gr Margarine or butter
3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla
3 cups Flour
2tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tin Condensed Milk
Cream marge & sugar. Add condensed milk & mix well. Add flour, vanilla, baking powder & salt. Knead into a stiff dough. Roll into small balls & place on a baking sheet. Flatten with a fork. Bake in the upper half of a moderate oven for 15 - 20 mins.