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TTC True Story - Carika Lemmer

TTC true story

I am Carika Lemmer, 30 years old and I have 2 stunning kids, Alwyn aged 6 and Cathy aged 2½.

I always knew something was not right in my body, I had my first period when I was 13, and then no period for about 3 months, this cycle kept on.

My mom told me not to worry as her cycle was also mixed up and that we have something wrong in our bodies (PCOS), but she never really said much more than that.

With my mom's history I decided to tell everyone that I never wanted kids. I love kids but I didn't want to be disappointed if it never happened.

I am the 3rd child, and the "laatlam", my mom fell pregnant with my eldest brother very soon after her and my dad got married, and then 14 months later my 2nd brother was born, then she had 6 miscarriages and 9 years later ( she was then 35) she fell pregnant with me.

I met hubby when I was 19. When my mom found out that we were sexually active she told me to go and see a gyne so that I could start taking the pill (20). The first thing that the gyne picked up was that I have PCOS. Both my tubes were full of cyst because of the undeveloped eggs.

She told me that my I will not be able to fall pregnant without being on program; I had a 1% possibility of that happening.

During 2003 we decided to try for a baby, for a year I tried it the natural way but nothing happened, Then I made an appoint with my gyne, and we started a course of clomid. when I went for my day 13 check up I was so disappointed, the clomid did not help and no eggs had developed that would be ready fertilization.

My heart was broken. I then decided not to start with treatment straight away. A week later I was in hospital with an appendix that bursted, then I realized that God had a reason why I was not supposed to fall pregnant.

A month later I started with a double dose of Clomid; my day 12 scan showed that there were 3 eggs growing really well. On day 13 I got an injection to release the egg, and day 14 was the day to have sex, as well as the next day. 18 Days later I got a positive blood test, all my home preg tests gave me a negative.

On 11 February 2005 I gave birth to Alwyn Petrus Lemmer 4.25 kg and 52 cm long, what a blessing for a girl that always thought that she would never be able to fell pregnant and hold her own baby in her hands.

At that stage I was happy with having only one kid as hubby had 3 kids from his previous marriage, and all 3 were staying with us at that point. When Alwyn turned 2 I knew that he would have the same lonely childhood life , as the age difference between the kids were also 9 years between youngest.

I tried to fall pregnant naturally for 6 months, nothing happened.

I also had to look for a new gyne as previous gyne as busy moving cities. He prescribed Glucophage as part of my PCOS is due to insulin resistance, but the glucophage didn't have the results he was hoping for,.

On December 2007 I began with my first course of clomid, on the 12 day scan it looked good, but my heart was broken when the blood tests came out negative. This time around I decided to start immediately with my second round of clomid.

On 11 February 2008 I went for my 12 day scan, on Alwyn?s 3rd birthday, my gyne was so excited when he did the scan, and I will never forget his words, "go home and enjoy each other tonight, when I see you again you will be pregnant" .

I had my first blood test done on the 28th of Feb.and it was inconclusive; on the 3rd of March I got a positive blood test, one again the home test could not pick it up.

On 21 October 2008 i gave birth to Cathy Lemmer, 3.4 Kg ( 800 gm less than alwayn) and 45 cm tall.

The support that I got from both gynies carried me and I will always be able to recommend them to my friends.

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