Mommy Blogger Directory
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Me & My Sista
Whilst initiated as a blog by moms, we’re also Sistas (in law) and best friends and thus bring each of our own unique honesty about life’s ups and downs as mothers, wives and friends. So, come join us for the adventure that is life. The highs, the lows, the hugs and the blows (in your face from your child’s foot because he/she has somehow landed up in your bed)
My Friend thinks I'm a Supermom
Celeste is a full time working mom of 3. She and her family live in Cape Town and she shares her life on her lifestyle and parenting blog My friend Thinks I'm Supermom. She writes about the difficulties of the working parent and her experiences from raising three kids, providing guidance, advice and useful resources
In Africa and Beyond
I am a family travel blogger, based in Johannesburg and a mum to two tween travellers. I blog about family travel, events and experiences in South Africa and the rest of the world as well as travel tips and competitions. I haven’t been everywhere yet but it’s on my bucket list
The Kenny Family
Loving wife and mom to twin boys. My days are filled balancing a career, embracing my family and blogging about the joys of motherhood. My blog is a collection of our daily lives and tips and tricks for expecting parents and parents of twins. It focuses on motherhood, parenting, family life and raising twins.