The water saving products I've bought to make life a little easier.
Like most people in Cape Town I'm trying to lessen my water consumption. It's been quite a learning curve but a good one, learning to...

Chocolate and Orange Bread Pudding
Love bread pudding but want to spruce it up a bit? Try this delicious, easy to make chocolate and orange bread pudding! It's yummy and...

Raising Mom: Conscious Parenting
Parenting, like anything, is a journey. One day you think you have it all figured out, then a new dynamic comes into the mix. When we...

Sleeping Aids to help your baby from FeelGoodHealth
Most parents would agree that the practice of giving a newborn a ‘sleep aid’ is controversial. Not so with Triple Complex Sleep Tonic....

Amazing facts about babies you probably don't know.
Babies are some amazing little creatures who can do things that even adults can't! Check out this list of amazing facts of babies. 4...

Why Being a Special Needs Mom is Awesome Sauce
So you’ve had the dreaded school meeting. Then the specialist consultation. And now you have the diagnosis. You’ve become an official...

Clamber Club review - Melany Vaughan
This has by far been the girls and my very favorite review. We were given the Clamber Club DVD, music cd and puzzles to review. All of...

Secure A Kid - Seat belt protector REVIEW
Here are my thoughts on the Secure a Kid Belt. I have seen these at both my local pharmacy as well as on the 4-A-Kid website and had...

How to support your child that's going into hospital
Hospital can be a scary place for anyone, especially a child under ten years old. We asked our Psychologist for her tips on how to...

Age Appropriate Boundaries for your Child
Discipline. It’s a word most parents know, and a word most children seem to ignore altogether! All parents have experienced a child who...