Princess Birthday Party
For Arlias Princess party there was only 7 little kids, all of the same age and I think they had a fantastic day. The Cake - Arlia wanted...
Patience Lesson 2
When you are fast asleep and you get called from your Childs bedroom, ”mommy” you get up with great difficulty and make your way there...

Construction Party - Liams 3rd Party
This is a very easy fun party for a boy with lots of tools, trucks and hats! Decoration - I made some sign boards to give it more of a...
5 Ways to Make Every Moment Count as a Working Mother
I was early to pick my son up from school yesterday - for the very first time. I was early because he had told me that the reason he...

Nautical Themed First Birthday party
We had around 12 kids and about 10 -15 adults. We were lucky enough to have the party in our complex clubhouse. Decorations - We...
Learning patience
My son of four was off sick the other day, so my normal day turned into a slow day of a four year old. All the things that I would get...

Cat in the Hat party
Jessca’s 2nd birthday party was a “CAT IN THE HAT” theme and took place in January slap bang in the middle of the very wet patch we had...

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake
Imagine lashing of voluptuous creamy cheesecake that tastes of fresh strawberries - the essence of summer; combined with intense...

Ladybug Party - Eerins 3rd Birthday
Ciara created a buuuuuzztastic party for her little girls 3rd party! Thinking of throwing your little girl a lady bug party? Take a look...

Make a Nature Walk Journey Stick
I came across this fantastic idea on The Growing Family blog. Next time you take your child on a nature walk up the mountain or in the...