Secure A Kid - Seat belt protector REVIEW
Here are my thoughts on the Secure a Kid Belt. I have seen these at both my local pharmacy as well as on the 4-A-Kid website and had...

Lunchbox Joke Notes
Cute little lunchbox notes from The Crafted Sparrow that will make your child giggle when they open their lunchbox at school! To download...

What to do when your child gets dumped by their best friend
That moment is going to come when your child fights with their bestie and its going to break your heart when you see how heartbroken they...

6 Ways to Get Your Kids Started on a Healthy Lifestyle
How do you make sure your kids adopt a healthy lifestyle? Start them young by teaching the right habits.

5 activities to help improve your childs concentration
Improving a child’s concentration can feel like a struggle. This isn’t a new phenomenon, parents have been trying to improve their kids’...

Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids
Foamed milk drinking AKA baby chino. Snacks for kids can always be tricky and when they start going to school filling their lunch boxes...

Ways to foster creativity in your kids
The importance of fostering creativity in your kids should never be underestimated and encouraging a creative mind-set in their early...
Patience Lesson 2
When you are fast asleep and you get called from your Childs bedroom, ”mommy” you get up with great difficulty and make your way there...
5 Ways to Make Every Moment Count as a Working Mother
I was early to pick my son up from school yesterday - for the very first time. I was early because he had told me that the reason he...

Make a Nature Walk Journey Stick
I came across this fantastic idea on The Growing Family blog. Next time you take your child on a nature walk up the mountain or in the...