Clevamama - Soothertree Review
Hannah has used a dummy, for sleeping and sleeping only since she was a few weeks old. We were quite strict on limiting it to bed time...

Your babies habits month to month.
Keep track of your babies habits with this easy to follow guide. NEWBORN Feeding Habits - Feeds every 2 to 3 hours. Sleeping Pattern -...

Flower Names for Boys & Girls
Looking for a baby name that's different? Why not pick a flower! Here is a list of lovely flower baby names for boys and girls. A lot...

Dads and breastfeeding, what YOU can do!
Here are some ideas for how fathers can take part and help with breastfeeding! They can bond just as easily as you can during this...

Tips for surviving with a newborn AND a toddler
Firstly, you're amazing! Its exhausting enough caring for a newborn in the first few weeks never mind having an energetic, demanding...

Natural Remedies to help your baby with congestion.
There is nothing more stressful and exhausting than a sick baby. It can be very scary for new parent seeing your baby struggling to...

Tips on how to care for your newborn
So you’ve had your little cherub and it’s time to go home. If you’re a first time parent this is a time filled with joy as well as...
Calm Your Crying Baby with "The Hold"
Ever heard of "The Hold"? It's a technique developed by Dr. Hamiliton. Apparently it's a guaranteed way to stop your newborn baby...

Baby Abduction Spike
According to quite a few posts from South African mothers on Social media websites there seems to be a spike in attempted baby...