Yoga for children
Traffic jams, increasing financial obligations, demands from the boss, emotional problems, long working hours or lack of sleep… we all...

Reward Charts - Free Printable
Reward charts are a great way to encourage good behavior in your child or discourage behavior you don't want. For instance, you could...

Help your child succeed at school
The early years of your child's schooling is so important for them. Getting them into good schooling and learning habits is your job and...

House Rules for your children - Printable
Here is a niffty little printable that you can print out and read to your children. Be sure to put it on the wall to remind them. Just...

Fun ways to say goodbye to your child
See you later, alligator. In a while, crocodile. Out the door, dinosaur. Chop chop, lollipop. See you soon, baboon Take care, polar bear....

Cheap Activities to do with your child
Here are some fun activities you can do with your child that won't cost you a fortune to do! Take a bike ride Play a board game Build a...

100 Ways to Praise your Child
​ Sometimes life flies past us so quickly we forget to praise our children. Here is a list of 100 ways you can praise your child. Wow Way...

Dyslexia – how to identify it in your child and deal with it effectively
It can be very difficult to identify whether your child has dyslexia, but if it is not identified and dealt with appropriately, then your...

Waging War on Allergies
With the rapid rise in food allergies in children, a hot topic on the minds of health care professionals is how to prevent allergies....

Eating Smart
It is very easy for your child’s good nutrition to fall to the bottom of the priority list during stressful exam times. However, the...